知识太多了就容易装B,知识太少就容易犯浑,像我这样不多不少刚刚好,想装B就装B,想犯浑就犯浑。我们建了一个新的laravel项目并部署到了生产服务器,一切都工作正常,直到一个客户因为我们的bug遇到了一个问题,随即用户离开了我们的程序, 在我们发现这个bug之前,同样的问题发生在了越来越多的客户身上.随后你修复了bug, 所有的都恢复到了正常.但是如果你能在bug发生时得到邮件通知并很快修复他,在laravel中, 这个很容易实现; 在laravel项目中, 所有的异常都是`App\Exceptions\Handler` 这个类处理的,这个类包含了两个方法:`report`和`render`. 现在我们只关心`report`这个方法. 这个类使用日志记录异常或者是发送异常到一些其他的服务像Bugsna或者Sentry. 默认情况下, `report`这个方法只是简单的传递异常到基类中,进而被写到日志里.然而,我们也可以发送邮件给开发者关于这些异常.
1 | /** |
Each type of email sent by the application is represented as a “mailable” class in Laravel. So, we need to create our mailable class using the make:mail command:
1 | $ php artisan make:mail ExceptionOccured |
This will create a class ExceptionOccured in the app/Mail directory.
Merely sending the mail will not solve the problem. We need the full stack trace of the exception. And for that, we can use the Symfony’s Debug component.
1 | public function sendEmail(Exception $exception) |
Make sure you add the following code at the top of the file:
1 | se Mail; |
Note—We have used the try block to avoid the infinite loop if the mail command fails.
Then, in your ExceptionOccured mailer class:
1 |
Add the following code in your emails.exception view file:
1 | {!! $content !!} |
Now, whenever an exception is thrown in your application, you will receive an email with full stack trace. Cool!
I have created a Laravel package named squareboat/sneaker( to do all this cumbersome work for you so you can concentrate on solving the bug.
Some of the features of the sneaker are:
– On/off emailing using .env file.
– Customizing the email body.
– Ignoring the exception generated by bots.
and more to come.
If you want the complete source code for this(, I’m more than happy to share it and you can find the source code on Github